by eSpark | 30.06.2021 | Bez kategorii
Green Bear Corp. Poland with Forward PR together for energy from the sun The agency will support the Green Bear Corp. Poland team in the area of corporate social responsibility and communication with local communities. The contact is related to the dynamic development...
by eSpark | 30.05.2021 | Bez kategorii
Forward PR for PSE. The agency will support the process of public consultations of the projects for expansion of the network of lines and substations in Pomerania. Polish Power Grid has selected Forward PR to support public consultations in Pomerania. The operator is...
by eSpark | 18.05.2021 | Bez kategorii
Forward PR hired by PKN Orlen Group’s Baltic Power Forward PR will be advising PKN Orlen on the communication of their first offshore wind farm (OWF) project. We are responsible for contacts with the local communities and authorities. We’ll design information...
by eSpark | 01.04.2021 | Bez kategorii
Forward PR experts will teach postgraduates at the Gdansk University of Technology After the success of last year’s edition of Gdansk University of Technology program on offshore wind energy, Forward PR experts will once again share their knowledge and...
by eSpark | 15.03.2021 | Bez kategorii
Forward PR will manage communication of the Boronów-Trzebinia oil pipeline And here’s another strategic project in our portfolio: a construction consortium of Agat and ZRUG hired Forward PR to coordinate communication with the local communities involved in the...
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